Where can PLNU IDs can be tapped, swiped, or scanned, and for what purpose?
PLNU ID cards can be used in a number of convenient places and ways on the Point Loma campus:
- Barnes & Noble purchases using SeaLion$
- Point Break Cafe (PBC) purchases with either SeaLion$ or PBC Credit/Dining Dollars
- Bobby B's Coffee Shop purchases with either SeaLion$ or PBC Credit/Dining Dollars
- Breaker's Market purchases with either SeaLion$ or PBC Credit/Dining Dollars
- Meal Plan use in the PLNU Cafeteria
- Staff/Faculty meal purchases in the PLNU Cafeteria with SeaLion$
- Paying for print jobs in PLNU Computer Labs, using funds from either Student Print Account or SeaLion$
- Scanning for Chapel attendance
Additionally, where doors are part of the PLNU Door Access System, PLNU IDs can be used for door access.